Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Update # 9 – Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Kia Orana! (Good Day) I have been busy at The Red Cross office since returning to Rarotonga. There was a large all-day workshop today being held to discuss the "National Disaster Risk Manage Plan" for the Cook Islands. Essentially, the government is developing a master preparation plan beyond the current one that is limited to Cyclone Response and Recovery. Though still a major threat, the emphasis is to put in place a plan that addresses all types of natural disasters and focus also on preparation and education both on Rarotonga and all the outer islands.

I have been asked by "my Red Cross boss" Niki to attend the program with Charlie. It was interesting to see the process of working on an existing draft document and accompanying piece of legislation ... eventually to be presented to Parliament. Hope they use "spell checker'! AAAAHHHHH...the ever-turning wheels of government! Every organization, and department was represented – talk about opinions! The leaders/presenters were from various emergency organizations in New Zealand.

During the morning session, reference was made to Hurricane Katrina, and before I knew it, I was on the afternoon program!! I had previously created a slideshow for a school presentation later in the week and luckily, I had my laptop with me. So Papa Jimmy was on stage again! The audience was absolutely AMAZED that a country like the USA with its boundless resources was not able to deal with the disaster!

As my week winds down, I am struck by the reality that I will be leaving my many new friends in a few short days and I am getting somewhat sad. I am so pleased to have been of help to many of them. They would all love for me to stay on!! Niki hopes that I will return next year - perhaps in July or August when it is cooler. She already has grand ideas for me! I told her I would certainly consider it.

Later this afternoon, Marianne, Marty, and I will visit the Land Conservancy area and "caretaker" Adam and his girlfriend will guide us through the area. His mission is to save an endangered bird that has been devastated by "ship rats" introduced onto the islands by the European explorers. I gather that this is a one-man crusade, and he is making progress. More later in a subsequent update. We plan to take them out to dinner after our walk through the forested area. Marty has the rest of the week planned out, meeting with numerous other folks – using our remaining time as efficiently as possible. The new team leader arrives Thursday morning with his new team of seven members on Saturday when we depart.

Temperatures are somewhat more bearable today with a nice on-shore breeze cooling it into the mid-80's. Though we had our usual humdinger midday downpour just to jack up the humidity. I hope to post one or two more updates before my departure on Saturday. I get to cross the International Dateline twice: west to Auckland, NZ and then East back to LAX. I leave Auckland at 7:00Pm Sunday 3/25 and arrive in LAX after a 12 hour flight at 11:00AM!! SUNDAY – go figure. I am not even going to look at my watch until I land in Portland! Cheers for now, PS had great Chinese food last night!


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